This morning I received my second assignment for Blog Month for Compassion Bloggers. In our efforts to see 3,160 children sponsored, we are asked to blog about various topics throughout the month of September. Here was today’s assignment – “For assignment two we want you to write three things about one word.” Wow. When I looked at the list of words that were suggested, one word jumped out at me right away – “Hope.”
Because we all need hope.
From the court room to the waiting room….
As I write this, I have a list of various prayer requests from this morning alone that all could be described with the end result of needing hope. From the court room to the waiting room, each request made in the hope that the situation will resolve well. Webster’s Dictionary defines hope as “a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.” So how do I come up with three things to write about this one word? Great question.
1. It is with hope that we push forward in the midst of the darkest times. – I found it so interesting that when I did some research on hope (in other words….I googled it) many of the top responses dealt with cancer. I’ve walked through seasons with some friends as they battled this disease. I know that hope was something they all held onto. It was what whispered in their ear in the darkest hours. It is what gave them the strength and courage to fight.
2. It is hope that those outside the storm marvel at when they say “how do you do it?” – Do you know anyone that amazes you with how they make it through the darkest seasons? Maybe that someone is you and others are amazed. My guess is they will tell you that it is hope that gives the appearance that the ship is steady even when the captain may not be. It’s the hope that the kids will have the best future despite what has happened. It’s the hope that the next report will come back “all clear.” Hope can calm the sailor but may not calm the storm.
3. No matter what you’re walking through in life, hope is the point on the horizon. - I’m not a runner, but sometimes I run. When you’re out there grinding away at the miles, you pick a point on the horizon to get to. Maybe it’s that next telephone pole, or street, or fire hydrant, or corner. Whatever it is, you set your mind to get to it and it’s amazing what happens…once you get there, you often set another one. Hope is like that. Hope lets you set that next point and then you fight like crazy to get there. When you do, when you reach that point, you know it was worth the struggle.
I’ve struggled with this post all day. The truth is that I don’t know who’ll read it and what you’re going through. I don’t know if these words will help or make it worse. I do know that I need hope in my life. My guess is that when you walk through dark seasons, you need hope too. If you’re in that season now, I would encourage you to make a list of what you’re hoping for. Share that with others so they can carry that mat for you too.
No matter our current situation, hope is something we can offer someone else too. That’s why I love blogging for Compassion International. Every day they are providing hope for those less fortunate. They are delivering hope to areas where all seems hopeless. If you’re walking through a tough season, delivering hope to someone else may be just what you needed to see hope in your situation too.
For more information about giving another child hope, visit the Compassion International website (HERE).