Today I received a message that hit very close to home from a friend. The title of her message was spot on – “Special Need – Better sit down because it will take your breath away.” She was right, it did. I don’t often post requests for support on this blog. If I do mention a cause, I do so with the intent of leaving the option up to the reader to support it or not. Today I am making a big request. I know we just came through the holidays and funds are stretched. This, however, is something I need to get out to as many people as possible.
There is a grieving mama in Honduras this morning, who lost her little boy here in Dublin the day after Christmas.
Angel Hernandez’ dad accidentally ran over him after he fell from their minivan. His little 4 year old body couldn’t survive the impact. Angel’s dad, Natividad, doesn’t speak English but was cradling was his son’s lifeless body when paramedics and police arrived to the scene, and was then horrifically left there all alone on his knees with his two younger children when angel was whisked away to the ER. Police dash cam shows Natividad, in shock, waiting alone for three minutes before he finally left to take his kids home before finding the hospital, where he was promptly arrested for fleeing the scene of the accident!
To complicate matters, Natividad is illegally here in the US and will surely be promptly deported to El Salvador. He is a 30 year old scared and broken man who sits in a jail cell and can’t even grieve with his family. Even worse, Angel’s little body is still at a local funeral home because the family has no money to bury him.
Now, in the art of full disclosure, the full details of this incident can be found (HERE). I will caution you that the details of this accident are not cut and dry. If I’m completely honest, when I read it I was ready to give 1000 reasons why I couldn’t do this post or offer support.
Then something captured me.
You see, this man has a pretty extensive list of transgressions. The very reason he was at this site when the accident happened is a crime. The more I read, the more I sat in judgement of this father and man. And that is when it hit me.
My list of transgressions and sin is long too. If someone were to look at all I’ve done and at the core of my character, it’s not real pretty either.
But grace stepped in and saved the day.
Grace paid my bill and my list of transgressions was forgotten.
Today the body of a small child needs to be returned to his mother for a proper burial. I am struck and challenged to extend the same grace that saved a wretch like me. I am reminded that we are here for this very purpose. Would you join me in helping this family return this child to his mother in Honduras for a proper burial? We can’t change what happened. We can’t erase Natividad’s record, but we can offer the same grace which is offered to each of us.
Honduras is a place very near and dear to the heart of my wife. She has been there twice on missionary trips. She left a part of her heart in Honduras and this story hits her very close to home. As a mom. As a person saved by grace. As a believer that love does.
Here is my big request:
Would you consider contributing any amount to return this child’s body to his mother in Honduras? If so, you can do so at a site which has been set up (HERE). We estimate the costs to be approximately $5,000.
Would you please share this post through any social media outlet you use? There is tremendous strength in numbers and we need your help.
Would you pray with us that this family will know the grace which is extended to each of us in this time of tragedy?
We are currently working with the attorney for Natividad. Please pray for him as well.
Thank you for this community and, if nothing else, taking the time to read this. I appreciate you all.
“Why should I gain from His reward?
I cannot give an answer
But this I know with all my heart
His wounds have paid my ransom”
**UPDATE 12/31 – Here is the latest news update on some of the developments. Your support is making a difference. Thank you again!
**UPDATE 1/1 – Your generosity and help is making a difference. Here is the latest update.
Filed under: Being Me